
In this tutorial, you will learn how to develop a Spring 4 MVC Hello world example. We hope this tutorial will give you a quick start with Spring MVC development using the latest Spring 4 Release.

Technologies used:

  • Spring 4.0.4.RELEASE
  • JDK 1.8
  • Tomcat 7.0.53
  • Maven 3.2.1
  • Eclipse Java EE IDE ( Eclipse Kepler)

Maven Project Setup In Eclipse

Let us start with the creation of a Maven web project in Eclipse. A maven web project archetype will create all the necessary folder structures required for a web project. We assume that you have installed the Maven plugins for Eclipse.

In this tutorial we are going to describe Jenkins installation and configuration with Maven and GitHub. We are going to use a Tomcat Application Server 7. If you don’t have Tomcat installed please get one here. You will need a Java 7+ SDK installed as well

Git binaries installation

At first we need client tool using which git operations like cloning, fetching, pooling can be done. We have chosen git client implementation available at Download and install it. Important thing is to select Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt option on Adjusting your PATH environment installation screen so that git client executables are added to your PATH variable.